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10 Tips to Dramatically Accelerate Weightloss [2022]

10 Tips to Dramatically Accelerate Weightloss [2022]

My two-year weightloss journey has led me on some interesting paths. Over the past two years I’ve lost over 10 stone, and much like you, reading this now, I did a lot of searching and have tried a lot of things to improve my weight loss journey dramatically. 

Luckily, I’ve tried most of the tips and tricks you’ve seen on TikTok, read in a blog, or bought a course on. The reality is, that most of them are just trying to sell you some form, of course, a fitness plan, or magical weight loss shake.

By the way, the above isn’t me taking away from genuine personal trainers, fitness professionals, or dietitians. Not everyone is out to try and sell you something, but most of the sensationalized videos that cut through the algorithm and make it to your screen are nonsense. 

Here are 10 tips to dramatically accelerate your weightloss. 

This guide will go through some of the more nuanced things that people don’t tend to think about when trying to lose weight. More often than not, these are the most important things that will get you out of your plateau and back on track.

1. Track and weight your food intake

This is one of, it not THE biggest things that completely changed my weightloss. I had a rough idea before and I’d already cut my portion sizes a lot. But I did hit a point where I wasn’t losing weight for a period of time. 

Using an app like My Fitness Pal to measure your intake is a great way to stay on track and to make sure you’re not overeating too much of the bad stuff. 

The reality is that you don’t need to diet. You just need to make sure that you’re having a balanced diet and not going over your daily calories. 

To work out what you should be eating in a day, you can use the TDEE Calculator which will help you work out what you should be eating in a day. Eat this much is also a great tool for meal inspiration when you’re trying to keep within your daily calorie intake.

2. Eat more protein

If you’re eating a bit cleaner and staying in a calorie deficit, it’s likely that you’re already on a great path and starting to see results. Throughout my weight loss journey, I’ve tried many diets, but the only thing that really worked was staying in a calorie deficit. 

Although a calorie deficit is the best way to lose weight, you do need to pay attention at some point to what those calories are made up of. 

Whenever I’ve started to up my protein intake I was able to continue to lose weight without losing muscle mass. Without a doubt, upping my protein intake massively helped get through some sticking points. 

What you’ll start to find when eating more protein is that you’ll feel fuller for longer and less likely to overeat or snack. 

3. Drink more water

THIS is a big one, if I’d of written this list in an order this would be first on the list. Your water intake is crucial to your weight loss progress and can be massively overlooked. 

We live in a world with 3 second attention spans and people wanting quick fixes to try to lose weight. It can be very easy to go out and get the latest protein bars, supplements and whatever else you’ve got stored away in your cupboard. 

I started to see a lot of progress when I upped my water intake. Everyone’s body is different so how much water you put it will massively depend on you. I found that drinking 6-7 litres of water a day really helped me see results and stopped me drinking too much diet coke. 

The water you put in helps your body break down everything you’re eating throughout the day and has so many more benefits.

4. Good quality sleep

Having a healthy sleeping pattern and getting a good amount of sleep at night is one of the best ways for your body to rest and recover.

Your sleep pattern will depend on your work, lifestyle and many other variables. I’ve found that throughout my weightloss journey the optimal time for sleep for me is around 7 hours.

Research shows that getting 7-9 hours can dramatically increase your bodies ability to burn fat quicker. It can be difficult when trying to get into a good sleep routine, for this reason I started to meditate before bed. Meditation has so many more benefits than just relaxing you, it’ll help you fall asleep quicker, keep your mind clear, have a more restful sleep and have a more positive mindset.

5. Clothing and goals

This was a big on for me. We’ve all been there, trying on outfits before a night out, pinching and pulling out the t shirt so it doesn’t look so tight.

After seeing the scales being stuck for a few weeks I was losing motivation. Until I tried on an old pair of jeans and I suddenly fit into them. I was shocked it had only been a month or so into training. 

So I decided to go and buy a hoodie that was way too small for me. I’d try it on occasionally, eventually it started to fit with a squeeze. About a year later I was able to comfortably fit in the hoodie. Not to the point where I’d wear it out, but I was almost there. 

The reason for me doing this is because the scales can often be quite deceiving. Even though you feel as though you’re not making any progress, you definitely will be. Your body composition will be changing, you’ll be building muscle and losing fat. 

6. Take progress pictures

Similar to buying smaller clothes as a goal, having progress pictures along the way will show you that you’re making progress even though the scales aren’t changing. 

Weight Loss Progress Picture 2022

All of these little changes that you make and start to do will be amazing to look back on and you’ll see the small progressive changes over time. 

7. Drink more hot drinks

STOP! Wait. Don’t rush out to Starbucks and start ordering caramel lattes thinking it’s going to miraculously going to help you lose weight, it won’t. 

In fact a lot of people don’t take into consideration the drinks they’re having add to their daily calories. Having a hot water, a black coffee or black tea can help keep away the food cravings. 

It doesn’t necasarily have to be black tea, a splash of milk isn’t going to set you back. BUT make sure you’re keeping an eye on the drinks that you’re consuming.

8. Listen to your body

Part of the reason for logging everything in apps, taking progress pictures and having goals to work towards is so that you get into the habit of paying attention to the changes that you’re making and how they affect your body. 

As an example, I still eat out and enjoy my food. Sometimes, it’s easy to go a bit heavier on the carbs, maybe you’ve been out for a nice Italian. You weigh yourself the next morning and wow, you’ve shot up over 3 pounds. Panic and guilt set in and you start to feel like you’ve set yourself back. 

WAIT right there, you haven’t. You had a lovely evening eating some good food. 

Macrostax gives an excellent breakdown of what’s happening to your body when you’ve gone a bit heavy on the carbs. So there’s no need to panic. You haven’t overnight put on 3lbs of fat. 

9. Take regular rest days

Once you’ve found an activity that you’re enjoying, whether it’s going for runs, martial arts, weightlifting, you’ll develop a habit and a love for it. 

When I started Muay Thai I just wanted to train every day, but having too much of a good thing can turn into an unhealthy habit. Rest days are crucial to recovery and your progress. It’s also great for your mental health too. You don’t want to start developing the habit of feeling guilty for not training. 

10. Weight training

Sadly, you won’t turn into Arnold Schwarzanegger after one session, you still won’t after 3-6 weeks. - we all wish we could - 

No, lifting weights wont make you bulky, in fact it’s probably one of the best ways to burn body fat, lose weight and change your body composotion. 

Lifting Weights to lose fat

When starting out I was purely lifting and running and it worked wonders for me. Now that I train martial arts most of the time, I’ve switched my weight training up and do more strength and conditioning rather than focussing on how heavy I can lift. 

If you’re just starting out and you’re a bit stuck, Muscle Wiki is one of the best websites to show you what and how to train certain muscle groups. 

Oh, pssssttttt, I’ll let you in on a little secret here, 9 times out of 10, anyone on their phone in the gym is either changing their music or probably looking on muscle wiki at a different variation of lift that they can do. So don’t worry about it. 

Are you using these weightloss tips?

Accelerating your weightloss isn’t easy, but little steps over time will help you see results much faster. 

When you try to make one big change, it’s unlikely that you’ll stick with it and you’ll start to put unnecessary pressure on yourself and end up setting yourself back in the long run. 

Your body will be changing constantly as you’re making progress, along the way there are some changes that may come as a bit of a shock. Here’s what happened when I lost 10 stone in 2 years.

Are you using any of these tips or have some of your own? Drop us a comment below. 👇

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