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Which Martial Art Should I Learn First

Which Martial Art Should I Learn First

So you’ve decided you want to start studying martial arts, but feel like you don’t know where to start. Picking the right martial art to learn when starting out is crucial to your progress as you’ll want to enjoy it to stick with it. For both your fitness, mental wellbeing and your confidence, study a martial art can be really rewarding. 

Speaking from experience, I starting studying Muay Thai after the lockdowns were lifted in the UK. During the lockdowns I was shadowboxing and using virtual pad holders on YouTube. After I started to get the basics I bought a freestanding punchbag as gyms weren’t open at this point.

Just a year on, now I‘be been graded I’m looking forward to booking my first trip to Thailand to go and train Muay Thai. 

People train martial arts for a number of different reasons. The Gym Nasty guide to what martial art you should learn first will help you decide.

Why Do People Train Martial Arts

As mentioned previously, people start to train martial arts for a number of different reasons. There’s no denying that it can be quite daunting and first. But once you step into a gym to learn martial arts your perception will totally change.

  • Self defence - A lot of people start learning martial arts to help defend themselves.
  • Fitness - Fitness is high up on the list, believe it or not this is one of the best ways to lose weight.
  • Competition - As there are a range of different martial arts, people can compete in different martial arts competitions as well as fighting MMA.
  • Confidence - Martial arts can work wonders for your confidence. As you start learn more about martial arts and the different techniques, you’ll start to feel confident in situations not even related to combat or self defence.

Different Types of Martial Arts

With so many different types of martial arts, it can be hard to know what to start learning first. Luckily, martial arts are great for people of all ages. Whether you’re 8 taking up your first class or 60 years old rolling Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, there’s no age limit for learning martial arts.

There are a range of different types of martial arts, we’ve broken some of the most popular martial arts that people learn.

Most Popular Martial Arts:

  • MMA
  • Karate
  • Muay Thai (Kickboxing)
  • JJutsu
  • Muay Thai
  • Taekwondo
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
  • Kung Fu
  • Boxing
  • Judo

The list of different variations of martial arts is endless. Without a doubt, there’s a martial art out there that you’ll fit into and love. It’s also worth noting that martial arts tend to complement each other. Some of the movements, submissions footwork will be the same. You’ll also be increasing your strength, mental resilience and fitness.

Types of Martial Arts

Muay Thai

What Is Muay Thai

Muay Thai, translated is “Thai Boxing”, the national sport of Thailand. Traditionally fought in a ring, Muay Thai is a stand-up striking sport, often referred to as the science of 8 limbs. This is due to opponents being able to use their 8 limbs to fight their opponents.

Who Studies Muay Thai

Muay Thai has gained popularity over the years. This can be attributed to some of Muay Thai’s greatest fighters and celebrities. 

Most professional MMA fighters incorporate some Muay Thai techniques into their fight style. Whereas others base their whole technique on Muay Thai, such as professional MMA fighter Edson Barboza.

Is Muay Thai Right for Me?

Stand up combat isn’t for everyone. Some prefer the intricacies of Jiu Jitsu or other ground based martial arts. 

For those looking to get a bit fitter and really wanting to step up their cardio, Muay Thai is an excellent martial art to start learning. Don’t forget, even if you love the ground aspect of martial arts, you can still benefit from the stand up aspects of Muay Thai for technique and fitness. 

How to Get Started with Muay Thai

To start learning Muay Thai you should go and watch a class at a Muay Thai gym near you. This way you’ll get a feel. You may want to try different gyms to experience different styles and trainers.


What Is Boxing

Boxing could easily be classed as one of the original martial arts. Highly effective in both self defence and competition in MMA. Boxing has a range of different benefits, not just from the combat aspect but with conditioning, head movement, footwork and more. Throughout history, boxing has been one of the most popular sports.

Who Studies Boxing

Boxing has a rich history of iconic fighters. More recently, we’ve seen some impressive crossovers from the martial arts world into boxing. There’s no denying that boxing us a very unique art that takes a lot of skill to master. 

Some great boxers in MMA include: Cody Garbrandt, Jorge Masvidal, and even BJJ practitioner Nate Diaz has great boxing.

Is Boxing Right for Me

Boxing is the fundamental for most martial arts. Not only is boxing a great skill set for fighting, self defence it’s also one of the best ways to improve your fitness. 

Even if you don’t want to start sparring or competing, just hitting the punchbag and shadowboxing will help you reach your fitness goals.

How to Get Started with Boxing

The best way to get started with boxing is to go down to your local boxing gym. Read the reviews for your local boxing gyms and ask about doing a taster session. 

If you’re struggling to make it down to a gym for any reason, you can always check out virtual pad holders on YouTube and you can shadowbox along at home.

Throughout the pandemic, a way to keep me in training was buying a freestanding punching bag that I could have at home.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

What Is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, often referred to as BJJ is a ground based grappling technique. The use of locks, chokeholds and transitioning movements make up the core components of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

BJJ is one the best martial arts to learn first because it is founded upon the concept that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend themselves against a bigger stronger opponent.

Unlike traditional stand up martial arts, BJJ does not allow for striking. In recent years though, combat Jiu Jitsu has started to work its way into some competitions whereby opponents can use an open palm to strike.

Who Studies Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has swept through the world and been studied by people of all different backgrounds. When Jiu Jitsu was used in the UFC by master Royce Gracie, the martial art started to surge in popularity.

Is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Right for Me

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a great martial art to study for so many different reasons. Whether Jiu Jitsu is right for you will come down to how much you value ground techniques and submissions. 

BJJ is a very popular self defence technique and even if your main focus is a different martial art, you’ll still benefit from the different movements, techniques and fitness. 

One of the greatest things about BJJ is anyone can get started. BJJ is a great martial art because there are different aspects that will suit different people.

How to Get Started with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

With the rise in popularity for Jiu Jitsu, it won’t be too hard to find a Jiu Jitsu gym near you. 

Most places will offer a free taster session and with the more commercialised aspect of Jiu Jitsu, you’re very likely to find your local BJJ gym on Instagram. Don’t be scared to just drop them a message to ask for further information about sessions.


What Is MMA

Mixed Martial Arts or its abbreviation, MMA has grown significantly over the last few years. This allows fighters to use a mixture of styles and techniques to fight their opponent. 

As the name suggests, it’s a mixture of all martial arts.

Who Studies MMA

Throughout it’s history MMA has had its celebrities through the generations. In the early days it was BJJ master Royce Gracie. To today, the likes of Conor McGregor or even more recently, Paddy the Baddy. 

MMA is kept so interesting due to the range of different fight styles and each having their own advantages. 

Is MMA Right for Me

As MMA incorporates different styles of martial arts, it’s a great way to get started. If you’re training to compete MMA then this is definitely one of the best paths to take. 

Whether you’re looking to become a professional MMA fighter or just looking for a bit of self defence and weight loss then MMA is definitely something you should consider. 

It’s worth noting that the risk of injury is there. You are training a combat sport and you’ll need to invest some money in the proper protective equipment.

How to Get Started with MMA

Like with most martial arts training, do a bit of searching for your local gyms. Make sure to read the reviews and ask about going to see taster sessions to make sure the gym you’re interested in is right for you.

So, what martial art should you learn first?

There’s no final answer when it comes to deciding which martial art to learn first. Deciding which martial art to learn first comes down to what you want to achieve, whether it’s for fitness, self defence or if you just want to build up some confidence.

If you try a martial art and you’re not to keen on it, don’t give up as it could just be the gym, your instructor or you might not enjoy a particular martial art as much as you would with others. 

Give a few a try and always remember to respect your instructors and fellow students.

What martial art will you be learning first? Let us know in the comments below.

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